What is a VIN?
A VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) is the unique serial number used by the automotive industry to identify your vehicle. Your VIN is 17 characters and contains both letters and numbers.
Why are we asking you for it?
We use parts catalogues produced by vehicle manufacturers to identify the correct parts to suit your specific vehicle. We require your VIN in order to do this for you.
It is important to note that any modifications or retrofits undertaken by you or a previous owner of your vehicle will not be reflected in the manufacturer’s parts catalogue for your vehicle.
Can you use my registration number instead?
No. Registration numbers on vehicles have no correlation to manufacturers data. Registration numbers relating to a single vehicle can change numerous times during its lifetime and is not internationally recognised. Although a registration number can sometimes be used to assist in finding the VIN for the vehicle (in some states/territories), it cannot be used with manufacturers data to identify the correct parts for your vehicle.
Where can I find my VIN?
There are many locations you can find your VIN, including…
- Lower corner of your windscreen
- Chassis rail
- Vehicle identification sticker
- Registration renewal or/or certificate
- Vehicle service booklet